Monday, October 1, 2007

A damned day.

A beautiful morning! Basketball anyone? A usual morning routine of 'battle royale' on the court with a few basketball-legs. Oh, a dirty homeless dude sleeping by the bench. What if he wakes up and rob me instead? *I am so pessimistic*

What is a 2D outing without both Dabo and Dakei ? Da*ahem*Kei is optional though. But we mostly do not do it. Sitting in MMORPG playing Dota is so boring. Boring~

After buying two packs of rice for lunch, my mom drove me home and get ready to go out to do a few errands for her. Sien~ While I was inside SS2 Maybank depositing money, three macho Malays rushed into the ATM part of the bank holding shotguns. First thing that came to my mind is.....

My mom was already shocked. After a closer look, I spotted Securicor badges in their vests. Haha looks like they are unloading cash from the cash deposit machine. They opened the machines inside and keying in some codes from the panel inside the machine. So cool. So I tried to take photos. When I pulled out my handphone, the dude staring at me with his sunglasses on. Am I doing something wrong? Ow I get the message, he wants me to scram. If I got a Carbine in my hands, guess what will I do?

Better not to disturb them.

In home,

I tried to go reconnect the internet as my internet line was disconnected after downloading movies from BitZip last night. Blinking light on 'Link'? Not good. I called TMNet for assistance.

After so many times interacting with the service, I find that they have a similar way to treat every customer. First of all, you will have to wait for a freaking long time before they connect your call to an operator. They will ask you silly questions to verify your identity which I find useless. I have imitated my father everytime I called as my internet account is registered under his name. After stating your problem, they sure to ask you to establish a direct connection or restart your computer. How retarded~ All I can say is, they are only referring to computer troubleshooting system to solve your problems. I can do that with my computer too. Sooner or later, they will urge you to put down your phone and bid farewell to you. You will need to call the hotline again if the problem persists. There you repeat the whole process again until they are fed up and decided to send a technician to check your computer. Guess I need to wait for a few days for their lazy-assed technician to stop by my house.

The funny thing is~After so much fuzzle, my internet line came back on after an hour. PWNED!

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