Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bearing fruits after planting trees

Yesterday I called Mr. PNK to come out and have a chat as I didn't see him for some time already. Despite his busy schedule, he drove from Sungei Way to ss2 basketball court to meet me there. Being an excellent friend, he sort of 'opened up' my thoughts and my worries. Now I feel much better. I realised I should not give up so easily although the outcome may seem hopeless. If I really did my best and yet no one appreciates, life must move on. The importance of the whole process is not about the result, its about the experience obtained from either failure or success. By now I think I am on the right track, so hopefully things will be better in the future. I believe in myself that I can make a change. Not for anyone but for myself. Anyhow, I will always stay strong and positive because life is beautiful. God will guide me all the way.

No matter what happens, I will try my best to get my chances.

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