Refer to the above title, this is not a joke. Since the day I started work, every night my nose will excrete blood at anytime. It will flow uncontrollably until I apply the ice pack. I am quite worried about it because I think there are some internal injuries inside my nasal passage. Anyone had any idea about my symptom? Oh, I am dying? Oh thanks.
Today is my 4th day of working in Old Town White Coffee. And the experience of working as a solo unit of Chinese waiter in the whole restaurant is making me sick! Not to be racist, those Myanmar people are really 'rice buckets' and 'rotten woods'. They are so lazy and dumb. I eventually had to handle every single situation when they called for Super Weng. Why not Myanmar Tauwn Yhait Korrphee? Farking A!
I am Super Weng. WTF?
Soon I am going to quit this shitty job if the situation does not have any improvement.
*points middle finger to the management*
*points middle finger to the management*