How shall I began this? It is been 10 days since my previous post working in Old Town. It has been a busy period for me until I cannot get enough rest, resulting in my NMN. My doctor said it is due to the thinning of mucus layer in my nostrils,exposing the blood vessel as it pops open frequently. Scary eh?
My doctor advised:"Sleep early." <----(Not-so-effective advice)
I replied:"Okay!"<------(Doing my best)
Doctor said:" Do not eat spicy food." (another not-so-effective advice)
I have been working in Old Town White Coffee in JayaOne for two weeks now. I really cannot bare with the pressure, stress, hardship, brutalness, chaos and @*&%$@ while working there. For RM4.50 per hour, forget it!
Working there has taught me a few things including Myanmar language and made new friends. Working here is really considered one of my accomplishments in my life. Perhaps Amazing Race may consider this as one of the difficult tasks in their programme, 'Working for 2 hours during peak hours in Old Town Restaurant'
Chil lar har lo= I love youChil lar ba bu= Thank you
Al lar chee= Fuck you

The Myanmar people working there are not entirely useless. Some of them are quite easy going, hardworking and friendly. I MEANT SOME OF THEM. 13 hours a day for 6 days can really make one......dead. Cannot blame them so much. The supervisors are very understanding and cooperative. If it wasn't the workload, I won't quit my job. A small bar and kitchen to handle 90 tables!? Big joke especially during lunch hours where UTAR students and office people rushed in like there is only 1 restaurant surviving in PJ area. Not to mention 2-3 birthday celebrations per day. I seriously advise you all not to come to this place when it is crowded due to several unspeakable reasons but you can figure them out yourself.
Cleanliness: 8/10, 3/10 when crowded
Food Quality: 8/10, 3/10 when crowded
Service: 8/10, 3/10 when crowded
Food Queue: 10/10, 0.1/10 when crowded
Despite all these troubles, I have not regretted working at this miserable place. I believe that this place would improve in the distant time. How long? I do not all! Al Lar Chee!