Thursday, February 5, 2009

A tribute to my Touche

Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Please come back home...

Although you are not with me anymore, I can feel your presence. Some bastard has taken you away from me and illegally cracked you to get pass the pincode I had set for you. I know he also illegally sold you to some cheap asshole with dirt cheap price. Too bad I did not buy insurance for you, all I have of you is your earphone,your box and your serial number. If we are still fated, one day I shall come across to meet you again in unbelievable scenario, just like the scenario where my car got broken in and you were being stolen. Someone please slap me just to punish me for my careless behaviour of leaving my precious inside the car while going for sports in midst of heavy rain. Just shoot me...

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