Friday, March 14, 2008

The verdict of High School Public Examination

The much awaited day has arrived for all 2007 SPM takers. Some are looking forward for this day to arrive, some are trying to evade the fact that the results are out and ready to be taken. As for me, what the heck. Reality is something you must face anyway. The only thing I can hope for is luck.

Reuben picked up Yung, Alwin, Vince and me to Sri Paandi for a mini meet-up for all of us at 10. Better to have a hearty breakfast before attempting to reveal the mystery of the result slip.

Ready to rock and roll.

Oh my....

The faces of confident people.

While back in Dewan Bakti,

OMG!! Results are out!

Congratulations! You failed badly! (Joking!)

What can I say? Dissapointed yet grateful..... I can do better but due to my laziness, this is the best I can score. Ow well, I cannot change the course of history, so might as well live with it and TRY to do better in the future. Certain things really surprised me. I am glad that things didn't turned out worse than I expected.

After getting the results, all of them start calling to the dearest ones to report. Happy faces and sad faces, not to mention some crying faces. Luckily for me, my parents are satisfied with my results which really lessen my burden a lot. With so much time left, why not enjoy?

Vince emo-stance of drinking his Nescafe at Sri Ganesh.

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