Saturday, May 17, 2008

Just for some updates

Notice: Some blardy imbecile is using my name and posting some real 'nice' stuff on other people's chatbox. Take note, I am an angelic person you know.

Recently went back to school to register for Form 6 although I am not going to study Form 6. Seriously the amount of student registering for Form 6 is way too little. Well, I already paid my UTAR first semester today after much fuss. So I guess I won't be looking back anymore.

Chillaxing in Paandi.

Last night, 6 of us were inside Yung's Perdana for some mamak session. Bored of Picca and Murni, we went Taman Mayang and was trying to find out where is this Riley's. End up sitting in some chinese restaurant and went OPPOSITE Riley's for some cheap snooker. Too bad Yung must go back early.

I can't breathe~

10 minutes of reverse parking.

Just went Curve for some family time. End up in Friday's. Its food-clobbering time! Not to mention alcoholicious! *I have been drinking too much. Time to cut down*

I like Fridays. But I need more money to endure Fridays.

Finest at its best

Ultimate Lime Margarita

Mac & Cheese. Doesn't look like one huh?

Chicken Wings

Cheese Chicken with mashed potato and buttered vegetables

Fish & Chips

Cookies & Cream

Oh ya, check out my latest blings on my Crocs.

Jibbitz yo! Dey don't go more scarier than this ya'll dig!

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