Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Call me superman, not sperm-man.

I wore this shirt I bought from Wild Channel a couple of years ago. Its imprinted with a lot of sperms with horns on its head, going towards a WC logo which resembles an ovary. Guess what responses I got? I won't be wearing this shirt anymore la I swear! Just finished my biology test. I wouldn't say its tough or easy, just no comments. I wonder what marks would I get for this minor test. Anyway today was like one of the most tired day in my life since I entered UTAR. I think I am going to become bionic who knows no limit of tire and knows no pain and exhaustion. This is why I am like so emotionless and cold in class today. Wow I did not know what happened to me today. Haha! But I am feeling better now... Going to play basketball and most probably drinking session tonight with a few of my classmates.

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